Analyze financial security quotes

Charts offer a variety of different settings so that traders can customize and adapt these settings to their personal needs. SepTrader supports three types of charts: broken lines, sequence of bars and Japanese Candlesticks. You can set a different colour for any item in the chart and create the most comfortable workplace for long-term work.

21 Timeframes
With these templates you can save color schemes and analytical objects applied on a chart, while all the open chart templates can be saved on one profile.
SepTrader gives the availability of 21 timeframes, from one-minute to one-month, so that traders can easily choose the type of quote visualization that best suits their trading system. Moreover, it is also possible to set up visualization of additional information (tick volumes, last price, OHLC and others). As a result, this will help you trade and analyze quotes more efficiently.
If you have any questions, order a free conversation with our consultant
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