Technical indicators

An indicator is the most important tool for technical analysis. Such indicators can be set to operate automatically in order to detect different patterns in the price dynamics of stocks, currencies and other financial assets. Based on this information, traders can assume further price movement and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Analytical objects
Object control is intuitive and will not cause any difficulty. In order to apply a tool, a trader only needs to specify a few control points to plot the object. After that, the required analytical object will appear on the screen.
As with technical indicators, traders can also set the calculation parameters and appearance of graphical objects. For example, traders can set custom levels and colours of Fibonacci lines.
Indicators can be added to the price charts or a separate sub-window with an individual scale of values. Moreover, one indicator can be applied over another one. For example, you may apply a Moving Average on DeMarker and obtain a line of averaged values.
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